Publisher, this is why you need an ADOPS team

Ad ops, AdOps, you probably have heard the term before. It stands for Ad Ope

Background with blue elements.

Ad ops, AdOps, you probably have heard the term before. It stands for Ad Operations, and it refers to the processes done to support the delivery of ads online. Ad operations are performed by a bunch of magicians that systematically maintain the processes behind getting ads to appear on websites. There is a complex workflow ‘behind the scenes’, and AdOps navigate between different software, servers, and settings in order to sell, serve and target ads and monitor the performance of these. Let’s have a look at what AdOps does and why it’s important to have an experienced team handle your ad operations if you want to succeed with your website monetization.

What and Who is ADOPS?

As explained above, AdOps refer to ad operations, and in theory, anything related to getting and ad onto a website and making money of it can be considered AdOps. The primary function of the AdOps team is to make sure that the ads ordered to appear on a website are appearing and functioning according to the agreement. Withing an AdOps team many different roles can take place, from inventory managers to product specialists to account managers, all there to make sure your ads are appearing and performing in the most efficient way possible. They also usually take care of any other information technology-related tasks.

What does ADOPS do?

Getting an ad to appear on a site is not as simple as it sounds. There are several steps and processes and external partnerships that need to be sorted before you can start to earn money off your website. The AdOps team is your best friend if you want to start placing ads on your site but you don’t know where to start.
Let’s break down the process for you by explaining how our AdOps team at Kiosked works. Getting started with ads can roughly be divided into three phases, before going live, going live, and after going live with ads. Let’s call them phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3 for the sake of clarity.

Phase 1 – Before going live

The whole process starts with AdOps checking the site or sites to make sure that the quality of content is on an acceptable level. There are many guidelines and policies coming from Ad Networks (the ones buying your ad spots) and if you don’t follow these rules you will not be accepted as a publisher. Once the AdOps team has accepted the site, you will still need approval from all the demand networks you wish to work with in order to be able to run the ads. The AdOps team will take care of this whole process for you.

When the site is accepted by all parties to run ads, it’s time to move on to the next stage, the onboarding process. The AdOps team creates a proposal for the best ad setup solution for you, based on your preferences and given technical information and requirements. Our team at Kiosked are experts at analyzing your site and our suggestion on ad units and frequency is based on years of experience and best practice. When both parts are happy, the site is added to the Kiosked Platform and the AdOps team starts to work on the setup according to the agreement between Kiosked and the publisher.

Phase 2 – Going live

This is when the fun starts to happen. The AdOps team has created scripts and tags for you and the testing period is about to start. The setup will first be tested internally and then within the publisher’s team before actually going live. This is a crucial and important part to make sure that everything looks and works as it should. When everything is working as expected and the setup looks good, real ads are set live and the publisher can start earn money off the site.

Phase 3 – After going live

Right after the site has gone live, the AdOps team will carefully monitor the site and the setup to ensure that it works in the real environment. After this is confirmed, the AdOps team will keep monitoring the site’s performance on a daily basis the first week. The publisher will get access to the Kiosked Analytics Dashboard where they can monitor the performance whenever they want, and the AdOps team will monitor the site on a weekly basis after this stage, in order to ensure success. If any adjustments need to be made, new units need to be added or floor needs to be fixed, the AdOps team is always there to help you gain the best possible results.

Why is it so important to have a good ADOPS team?

The process of getting live with ads on your site can be a headache for a beginner, and the larger and more complex site you have, the more complex it will get. Building your ad landscape is a crucial part of your success, and just like building your website, if you don’t do it properly from the beginning your traffic and conversions will suffer and you probably will end up disappointed with sagging revenue streams. The way ads are placed and configured on your website makes a huge difference in performance and revenue. This is why it’s so important to have an experienced person or team to take care of your settings. As our Head of Ad Ops, Antti Oikarinen said, “imagine, our team has been focusing on these things only for so many years, we’ve seen it all and tried it all. Configuring best practices is deep in our bones already”.

If you are looking for a partner to help you monetize your website, Kiosked and our experienced AdOps team are here for you. Don’t hesitate to drop us a line at if you have any questions.