Do you have questions?

Our most frequently asked questions and answers listed below. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to ask our support team at help@kiosked.com.

What services does Kiosked offer to publishers?

Why choose Kiosked?

What ad formats are available with Kiosked, and which perform best?

How does Kiosked prioritize user experience?

What Features and Services Set Kiosked Apart from the Competition?

What makes Kiosked more advantageous than AdSense?

What is the potential revenue uplift for publishers using Kiosked?

How do I get started with Kiosked?

How is the revenue calculated?

How does Kiosked ensure maximum fill rates and revenue?

Are there any minimum requirements to become a Kiosked client?

How do I integrate Kiosked with my website?

Will Kiosked script slow down my site?

How long does the onboarding take?

What kind of support does Kiosked provide during setup and beyond?

Is it possible to block advertisers or categories?

Is there a reporting dashboard available?

How does Kiosked's payment cycle work?

What are the minimum payout thresholds?

In what currencies can I receive payments?

What happens if there is a discrepancy in my payment?

Are there any fees associated with payments?

Will I receive invoices or statements for my earnings?

How can I access my payment history?

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